Wanxiang Today

Ocean Family tuna purse seine vessel obtained MSC certification


On June 21, American time, the MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) website announced that the Ocean Family tuna purse seine vessel obtained the certification of MSC sustainable fisheries standard with a validity of 5 years and became the first ocean fishing enterprise in China to obtain this certification. 

In May 2017, Ocean Family formally submitted an application for MSC certification, mainly concentrated on the large tuna seine fishing operation in the Central and Western Pacific Ocean. The approval meant the MSC's recognition and affirmation on the sustainable development model of the company's seine ship, and the skipjack tuna, the yellowfin etc. captured by the company's seine ship will be able to use the MSC logo and this will help further expand the European and American market. 

It is understood that MSC certification is one of the most famous aquatic products certifications in the world. MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) is an international non-profit organization, committed to promoting the sustainable development of fisheries worldwide and ensuring the supply of aquatic products in the future. Today, people pay more and more attention to the marine environment and sustainable development has become a global hotspot. MSC certification is in line with this historical trend. Ocean Family will keep pace with the times and contribute to the sustainable development of fisheries.  


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